Japanese Satoyama

Japan Restaurants

Innovative Satoyama Cuisine at NARISAWA

What is Satoyama?

Satoyama is a concept rooted in Japanese culture that refers to the coexistence of human settlements and natural ecosystems.

The term “satoyama” can be broken down into two parts: “sato”, which means village or settlement, and “yama”, which means mountain or hill.
Satoyama landscapes can be found all over Japan and are characterized by a harmonious blend of human activities and the natural environment.
These landscapes are composed of various components including rice fields, forests, water bodies, traditional rural houses and diverse plant and animal species.

Appetizer at NARISAWA

How Satoyama evolved – sustainable Japanese lifestyle

The practice of satoyama has its origins in the ancient Japanese lifestyle, where communities relied on the resources provided by the surrounding ecosystems for survival. Over time, the concept of satoyama has evolved to include sustainable management practices to maintain the balance between human activities and nature. They have been shaped by centuries of sustainable land use practices, involving agricultural activities such as rice cultivation and forestry. Satoyama landscapes can be found throughout Japan and are considered valuable for their ecological, cultural, and aesthetic qualities.  These landscapes provide important ecosystem services, such as water retention, soil protection, biodiversity conservation, and carbon storage. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of conserving and revitalizing satoyama landscapes as part of efforts to promote sustainable development and preserve cultural heritage. Furthermore,  satoyama offers recreational and cultural values, providing a unique and scenic environment for visitors and residents alike. 

Appetizer paired with sake at NARISAWA

Satoyama – a taste of adventure and food experience with locals

If you’re a foodie with a taste for adventure, the satoyama experience is a dream come true. Imagine embarking on exhilarating hikes and nature walks, soaking in the breathtaking views of lush greenery and picturesque landscapes. But this is not just any ordinary hike – it’s a journey into the heart of satoyama preservation. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and engage in hands-on activities like planting rice or harvesting vegetables. It’s not just about the sweat and dirt. By immersing yourself in these age-old traditions, you’re unlocking the secrets of the intricate relationship between the locals and their land. And what’s an adventure without a little reward for your taste buds? Prepare to be dazzled by the mouthwatering cuisine that awaits you at every turn. But it’s not just about the food; it’s about the experience of sharing meals with warm-hearted locals who will treat you like family. Get ready to break bread (or sushi) with the community and dive head-first into their rich culture.

The “moss” (upper left side) is actually butter covered in black olives – NARISAWA

A gourmet satoyama experience in Tokyo – NARISAWA

If you’re visiting for only a short time and don’t have time to go to the countryside and if you only have time in Tokyo, go to the high-end restaurant NARISAWA where you can experience “innovative satoyama cuisine” where Chef Yoshihiro Narisawa’s concept is “beneficial and sustainable gastronomy”. His dishes are beautifully presented using seasonal ingredients from districts around Japan. In addition to the food, at Narisawa, you can treat yourself to many varieties of Japanese sake and regional Japanese wine, such as the Pinot Noir from Nagano, Riesling from Iwate and Bordeaux-style blends from Yamagata. The staff can recommend the best pairing of sake or wine to match the food that is served. On the day we went, instead of sake or wine pairings, upon the recommendation of the staff, we tried their Japanese green tea pairing. We were served different tea to complement the dishes and they were delicious. As of this writing, Narisawa only serves “omakase” courses. He sources ingredients in amounts that will not produce food waste. To honor Chef Yoshihiro Narisawa’s philosophy of respecting the earth through food, Narisawa won the inaugural Sustainable Restaurant Award in 2013 as part of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. You’ll definitely leave the restaurant satisfied with memories of a delicious meal that will last a lifetime.


Kobe beef paired with NARISAWA original red wine

Project Satoyama Experience – awarded the Sustainable Japan Award

A recommended place to look into getting a satoyama experience is Project Satoyama Experience.  Project Satoyama Experience has garnered recognition on a national level by receiving the prestigious Sustainable Japan Award, which not only serves as a testament to its impact but also inspires others to embrace sustainable practices. This remarkable project strives to create a harmonious connection between people and nature through cycling tours, hikes and nature walks and cultural workshops such as calligraphy and cooking. These engaging activities allow participants to immerse themselves in the stunning beauty of nature. Project Satoyama Experience also offers a range of hands-on activities that provide valuable insights into the various aspects of satoyama preservation. Participants can learn traditional farming techniques, engage in forest management practices, and even try their hand at crafting traditional products. The remarkable efforts and outcomes of Project Satoyama Experience is not only ensuring the preservation of satoyama but also fostering a deep appreciation for Japan’s natural heritage among its participants. 


Satoyama – come and experience a sustainable future

The satoyama concept, originating in Japan, offers valuable lessons that can be learned and applied globally. By emphasizing the coexistence of humans and nature, it reminds us of the potential for ecological restoration and sustainable development. Through the global adoption of the satoyama concept, we can protect and restore ecosystems, promote biodiversity, and create sustainable communities. By embracing these principles and learning from the satoyama concept, we can forge a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. Come to Japan and see for yourself what satoyama is all about!    

Dessert at NARISAWA

